Saturday, November 18, 2006
How To Stop Bad Breath - Today!
My dental investigators tell me that manual tooth brushing is not really effective. They tell me that I should use one of these mechanical rechargeable toothbrushes that wizzes around on your teeth like a bee stuck in glue. Who can take that noise so close to the head in the morning.
May be worth a shot though.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Bad Breath is bad news
- A majority of the people finds that bad breath is one of the most embarrassing issues that they come across every day. Your best friend, colleague, partner, spouse or your parent may be suffering from it. It is however likely that the person suffering from bad breath may not realize it. It is always the person at the receiving end who suffers from bad breath and not the person suffering from it.
The interesting thing is that the article had some pretty good ideas about how to cure bad breath pretty quickly. So if this is something you want to bring to a friends attention point them to Cure Bad Breath
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Bad breath - is your mouth too dry?
More on how to cure your bad breath here
Bad Breath
Cure bad breath
Curing Bad Breath
Before you can fix bad breath you have to have some idea of what is causing it. In about 80 to 90 percent of the cases of bad breath the culprit will be something that is in your mouth. Usually this will be nothing more serious that a mouth that is dirty. Plaque is one of the leading causes of bad breath. Plaque is an invisible layer of bacteria that is present in your mouth. Bacteria can often cause bad breath. Find bad breath cures here
Bad Breath
Bad Breath Cure
Monday, May 08, 2006
Bad Breath Spray Stops Halitosis
It's a valid question......and one that I think I've tried to answer before, but I don't mind doing again.
Let me start by saying this - 'Bad Breath' is the odor of the volatile sulfur compounds (VSC's) that are created from the anaerobic bacteria that live in your mouth, between your teeth, beneath the surface of your tongue, in the back of your throat, and in your tonsils (if they exist).When you gargle with an oral rinse (mouthwash) - most of time it can be very difficult to reach way down deep in your throat. Many of my patients find that a 'Gag Reflex' kicks in (this happens automatically in most people when something - anything - touches a sensitive area in the back of your throat and tongue). So what can you do? To stop bad breath you MUST neutralize the sulfur compounds that have been created by the anaerobic bacteria that live in deep recesses of your throat and tongue.
In response to this exact concern, I've created a breath spray that addresses this problem. TheraBreath PLUS 'Extinguisher' Breath Spray has a unique 7.5cm long, swiveling, extended head which holds down the tongue and and sprays the potent Therabreath PLUS formula directly on the "bacterial breeding ground" located in the back of your tongue and throat. It's the only patented Extra Strength formula that can literally reach the part of your throat and tongue that no other formula can touch!
Many of you have told me during your first clinical appointment, that you've always "Felt" something stuck in your throat - and you've attributed that uncomfortable feeling to your breath and taste disorder - this spray was designed to solve that problem.
Please remember that for chronic conditions, the only way to prevent the anaerobic bacteria from creating VSC's is through daily use of an oxygenating line of products such as TheraBreath Oral Rinse and Toothgel (now at Albertsons, SavOn, Jewel, Osco, and Acme). For specific instructions on how to do this, see the Instructions of Use.
As with all of our formulas, the PLUS Extinguisher Spray passed all tests at my San Francisco clinic with flying colors. It's made those test patients extremely happy, especially since many of the chronic or "lingering" cases involve odor production that may be beyond the reach of just rinsing and tooth brushing (which should still be part of everybody's daily regimen.)
It's especially useful for patients with:
- Chronic Bad Breath who want extra relief throughout the day
- Light, Occasional (Situational) breath or taste disorder, who want instant relief without an overbearing strong minty taste or smell
- Dry Mouth sufferers, whose tongue tends to become "extra sticky" as the day goes on
TheraBreath PLUS Extinguisher Spray is small enough to carry in your pocket, purse, or briefcase, so that you can even use it before or after your favorite "garlic" dish.
I hope you can now see how a breath spray (especially one that actually reaches the source of bad breath) can help you regain your confidence. More information here
All my Best,
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Bad Breath - Halitosis - And Home Remedies
I have a friend who is a sensitive person. We were sitting at a table and I asked him how his day was. He said OK, but his breath was bad and his stomach seemed upset. After I asked a few more questions he finally let on he that hed had an argument with his employer. As he was telling his story he drank the big glass of water I had given him. And as soon as he'd unburdened his feelings and the water was gone... so was his bad breath. The moral of this story... dehydration and emotional issues can both affect our breath.
Many patients who come to the emergency room have bad breath. Simply giving them fluids (water or salt water intravenously) not only helps their primary condition, but the bad breath as well. You dont have to be in the Sahara desert to get dehydrated. Everyone needs to drink abundant water each day.
Small babies do not have bad breath when they are healthy. Healthy toddlers dont have bad breath either, so when babies, toddlers or growing children develop bad breath, the following factors usually play a role: dehydration, stress, wrong foods, bad digestion and poor dental health. Indeed, these are the same top causes of bad breath in adults, followed by digestive problems and infections, for which one should seek medical help. A great remedy for infections of all kinds, whether viral/ bacterial/ parasite and candida, or yeast, is Oil of Oregano. Oil of Oregano is an all-natural remedy that is as strong as pharmaceutical antibiotics, but with no side effects. It is also a great first aid remedy to have on hand.
I could go on and on about the distinct varieties of bad breath smells among those who drink alcohol, who smoke, who have diabetes, internal bleeding, liver diseases, or cancer. But I will spare you the unsavory details. The point is to focus on clean breath, and to heal the underlying causes of bad breath, which will give you better health and more enjoyment of your life. By welcoming bad breath/ halitosis as an opportunity to take preventive measures, you will be doing yourself a world of good.
May your breath be sweet!
Pieternel van Giersbergen
© 2005 Pieternel van Giersbergen.
Pieternel has been an R.N for over 25 years. She develops natural products for preventive health and is an expert on natural health issues. This article was written for